Friday 12 September 2014

acne story

hey hey .....whats up ???
hari ini aku mau cerita tentang acne yg meradang dan ngeselin
utk pemberitahuan aja .aku orgnya jarang pake make up walaupun aku seorang cosplayer
tp di kehidupan sehari hari aku ga pake make up sama sekali
dan aku selalu cuci muka 2x sehri jadi aku bukan org yg mengabaikan kulitku
aku udh hampir 8x gonta ganti dokter krn jerawatku yg ga kelar kelar ini, dr mulai klinik yg biasa biasa aja sampe klink kulit yg lagi ngetren pun aku udh pernah datengin ...beli obat di luar dokter pun udh sering, kaya brand2 yg lagi ngehits sebangsa kiehls dan sk2 pun udh aku cb
ngabisin jutaan rupiah biar jerawatku hilang .tp ga ada yg berhasil
tp pas aku mulai pasrah temen ku tiba tiba ngasi tau aku dokternya yg dulu pernah ngobatin jerawatnya yg meradang

nama dokter nya kun jayanata di moestopo (dekat univ moestopo)......dan akhirnya aku putusin utk pergi ke sana buat nyobaiin perawatan acne di sana

menurut temenku aku harus antri mulai dr subuh kl ga aku ga bakalan dapet no antrian ....
jadi aku pun berangkat jam 5 pagi buat ngantri di sana ,walaupun pendaftaran di buka jam 8 pagi .sesampainya aku di sana ,aku  liat ada sekitar 7 org yg udh ngantri jadi aku langsung aja ikutan ngantri ...^.^
pintu gerbang rumah dokternya belum di buka tp kita para calon pasien ngantri nya di luar gerbang ,pintu gerbang baru di buka jam 7 pagi .......
pas jam 8 pagi suster dateng dan segara buka pendaftaran nya ..
.disini lah terkadang suka terjadi kericuhan yg di sebabkan org org yg dateng siang nyerobot org yg datengnya subuh tp untungnya ada security yg ingat siapa aja yg udh ngantri dr subuh ......
setelah aku daftar aku di suruh pulang sama suster krn baru balik lagi ke klinik jam 23.00 ...
.aku pun kembali ke rumah yg untungnya ga jauh dr klinik ,pas jam 10 aku di telp suster utk memastikan kedatangan ku ......
sesampainya aku di klinik *jam 10.30* aku ga langsung masuk ke ruang konsul ....
aku harus nunggu sekitar 2 jam an utk bertemu dokter .....yg menarik dr cara konsultasi dok kun adalah kita di kelompakan sesuai penyakitnya .....
1 kelompok yg masuk ke ruang dokter berisi 5 org .....
setibanya di ruang dokter kita langsung di jelasin dan dkasih liat foto2 org sebelum dan yg sesudah berobat di dokter kun ....
yg doktr kun bilang cmn 3 larangan
yg pertama ga boleh facial krn facial itu adalah suatu kesalahan dalam merawat kulit,kl jerawatan ga boleh di pencet pencet  ...
yg kedua tidak boleh minum pil vitamin E dan B krn vit e dan b yg dr pil itu tidak baik utk kulit bisa menyebabkan jerawat kl mau kita malah di suruh makan kacang sama dok kun krn kacang kacangan secara alami memiliki kandungan vit e yg baik utk kulit ...
yg ke tiga ga boleh dscrub .
selain dr 3 larangan tadi, ga ada masalah ada larang makanan ga ada larang tidur malem pokonya cmn 3 larangan.... yg jujur aku hampir ga pernah lakuin kecuali facial tp itu dulu
dokter cmn menyarankan kita utk selalu minum obat nya secara rutin dan sesuai dgn yg di anjurin ,dokter jg bilang kita harus minum air putih yg banyak utk mengatsi kekeringan akibat obat dan menggunakan lip balm  ...

ooo ya yg paling penting yg mau menjalani acne treatment di dok kun ga bolah punya anak dulu ...ato kl yg lagi program ya di tunda dulu
dokter cmn ngasi resep obat minum *pil*satu botol ,antibiotic utk 15 hari dan krim jerawat 1 ....utk krim malem aku pake vitacid 00,25%
total harga konsul dok dan obat obatan ~ 600.000 *tp setiap org lain2*
*krim jerawat dr dokter tidak saya gunakan krn gatal2 dan menyebabkan saya dgn tidak sengaja menggaruk jerawat saya *

selama 1 minggu pertama aku blm merasakan efek apa2 tp pada saat masuk minggu ke2 badan ku terasa kering ,bibir pecah2 dan mulai keluar jerawat *purging*
minggu ke3~4 tidak ada perubahan dr minggu pertama dan kedua tp jerawatku makin banyak banget ......*di minggu ke4 aku ganti skin care krn vitacid bikin kulit saya terlalu kering dan saya menggunaka krim dr jp yg terbuat dr vit A utk menghilangkan rasa gatal purging saya jg menggunakan clarisonic mia2 setiap malam  *

minggu ke 5 jerawat mulai surut kemedo putih/hitam sudah jauh berkurang dr seblumnya sektar 50% lebih baik
minggu ke 6 komedo hitam sudah habis tinggal sedikit komedo putih

alat dan obat yg saya gunakan mulai dr miggu ke 4
~clarisonic mia2 (malam)
~toner wonder pore (malam-siang)
~SK2 essence (siang -malam)
~vit a dr jepang (siang malam)
~the balm coconut moisturizer (siang)
~Vaseline jelly (malam) utk kulit dan bibir

knp saya memilih utk mengganti obat obatan yg sebelum nya ??krn kulit saya sangat kering kl saya masi memakai obat obatan yg dokter anjurkan kulit saya akan sangat2 kering walaupun saya sudah minum air putih dgn target banyak pun kulit saya masih kering
dan saya mulai menggukan clarisonic utk mempercepat proses purging krn jujur pada saat lagi purging ,komedo saya sangat mengerikan dan utk membersihkan komedo saya yg berlebiihan saya menggunakan clarisonic..... krn bila saya tidak bersihkan komedo saya maka akan berubah menjadi pimple yg menyakitkan ,saya tidak menggunakan scrub ,krn scrub masi terlalu kasar utk kulit saya dan malah bisa  membuat kulit saya iritasi  ....

nah sekarang saya hanya tinggal bersabar sampai akhirnya saya sembuh dr acne yg super nyebelin ini ...semoga aja berhasil deh perawtan saya yg x ini

thanx utk para pembaca yg udh visit ke blog saya
semoga cukup membantu kalian yg mungkin berniat utk mengatasi kulit yg lagi di datengin tamu tak diundang ini ~~~~

saya akan update trs blognya ...setiap bulan !!!
maaf saya tidak ada foto krn awalnya tidaka ada niat utk membuat blog tentang perawatan ini

Friday 4 April 2014

time balm juniper moisturizer

hello again !!!
im going to review a moisturizer from the balm skin care line
its the time balm juniper oil-free face moisturizer
im so exited about this product because I had skin problem like acne on my face
its very frustrated u know .....when my skin getting better my period come ,well u know girls issue ...
I try so many product from many skin care ....I try to go to doctor I try to diet from oily food but my acne still come ....well its much better now if I compare it to 3 month ago ...
n this product price is $20 for 50ml product
but the shipping price is $25!!!!!!

well doctor said because of my hormone ....not my hygiene cz I wash my face 2-3 times a day so my face pretty clean I think
....well doctor said I need to stay away from junkfood,oilyfood n peanut
it does help to reduce my acne but not 100% helping
so I need to find another way to cured this acne prob

well komedo had 2 type first is white komedo look white u almost cant c this komedo but when u  under sun light  u can c it n u cant clean this komedo using a tool ....I forgot the tool name ,only one way to clean this komedo using specific cream for white komedo if u take this komedo out using the komedo tool will leave mark on ur face sometime permanent mark
second is black komedo many ppl most had it look so small n black ....u can use komedo tool n komedo cream to clean this type of komedo

 I watch one of the youtuber who review about this product
so when I finish watch her vid ,I order this thing from I don't care about the expensive shipping ...

after 10 days waiting for this product I finally can try this product .....n yap not bad
but this product only manage to reduce white komedo from my face n help to reduce acne spot
n make my pore look smaller than before n help my acne dry sooner  ....the only one thing that this product cant reduce is black  komedo  arghhh so frustrating >,<

 they said this moisturizer infused with juniper berry extract berries are known to contain antibacterial and antiseptic properties that are known to help treat acne
they also put white tea in it ....

as long as I know n try ...this product really reduce oil in my face ....this moisturizer feel so creamy n when u put it on ur skin ,ur skin absorb this moisturizer its not like other moisturizer that will make ur face look so shine ,wet  n moisturizer only stay on ur skin like a mask  ....but this moisturizer is different  ....n my white komedo is getting smaler n smaler ....its a good thing bcz acne start from komedo ....its like komedo is baby/toddler when they grow up they become acne ....haha

n my acne heal sooner than I thought ...I mean like today for example usually  my acne dry for a week or more but when I started to use this product my acne dry  sooner than they usually  use to dry
but still the new acne will come again n again ....well I didn't blame this product for it cz I thing its just my hormone ....huhhhhh

over all+
~good packaging ...cute really cute
~it does help treat my acne
~it does help my to treat my white komedo
~it does reduce oil from my face
~make my pore small
~u don't need to put a lot of this product in ur face ,just a bit of this n ur face will fine for a day

over all -
~hard to get in Indonesia the balm doesn't had skin care
I need to but this on web n the shipping is freaking expensive =.=

Sunday 30 March 2014

shu eumura cleansing oil

Hey guys ..
this time I want to talk about skin care ...

cleansing oil from shu eumura .....I've been using this cleansing oil for almost a year now ....
n I love it ....
okay ,I had 3 type of this cleansing oil well actually 2 but my mom also had this cleansing oil
~the porerase 67$ website price ,retail Indonesia idr 980.000
~the anti oxi  77$ website price,retail indonesia idr 1.070.000
~the ultimate 8 but im not going to review the ultimate 8 this time bcz I never use this one before its my mother cleansing oil ,90$ website price ,retail Indonesia idr 1,300.000

shu eumura had so many choice for they cleansing oil ....from balancing - whitening
I think they had 6 type of cleansing oil ....they can clean ur face from make up me,any waterproof mascara that u had wont stay in ur face anymore if u use this cleansing oil ....n this oil cleansing doesn't make ur skin dry n for oily skin I think depend on which type u choose

im going to talk about the poreraser first

the poreraser , they said the poreraser can clean your komedo ...well I kinda agree with shu eumura statement but only 30-40% not 100% clean ur komedo from your pore ,this type of cleansing oil really make my face so oily ...I already had oily skin so I don't think I need more oil in my face so I didn't recommended this type to u who had oily skin but for u who had dry skin I think u might like it
n this poreraser feel so light ...if u comepare it with the other type from shu eumura cleansing oil
o yeah this poreraser is so hard for me to clean ,u need to use warm water to clean this type of oil cleansing standard bottle 
                                                                   ob edition 2013 ....

now the anti oxi

anti oxidant ....the first think come to my mind is green tea ,n yap it is made from green tea extract
green can help u from aging process n help u purifier ur skin u can google .. geisha/maiko in japan always drink green tea @night bcz they believe that green tea can help from aging process n can reduce fat from oily food that u eat ...also can reduce oil in ur face
so this oil cleansing is my perfect match cz when I use this ,my oily skin getting better ...I still had oil in my face  but not as much as I didn't use this oil cleansing ...n for the aging process ? I don't now im still young .....hehehe
n this anti oxi isn't hard for me to clean it ....I can use cold water or warm ....not like the poraser that a bit hard to clean ,the anti oxi feels a bit heavy if u compare this cleansing oil with the poraser
standard bottle
                                   the one that I had is limited edition *the 6 heart princess*

I had 2 of this the other one still new ,6 heart princess boc packaging

I know its a expensive product ,but u know the quality of this product is really great
well choose carefully so u wont disappoint!!! .bcz this is a expensive product find ur own match by Google , search for review in YouTube or blogger ....or ask shu eumura store ppl so they can help u to choose you're need


Friday 28 March 2014

time balm white tea concealer by the balm

hey hey .....
this time im going to review the time balm concealer from the balm
im so exited about this product
for first impression about the cart box packaging is wow so old ,like I said in my previous blog the balm had vintage look for their packaging ...n for the plastic that keep the concealer in it  I quite like it bcz the vintage theme still there ....^.^





the time balm concealer ...the balm actually had other type concealer that look like their foundation *paste* but I choose the liquid type cz I read in their website that this liquid concealer had tea tree oil ,as I know about tea tree oil .this kind of oil can heal acne or help to make dark spot to fate away
well bcz I had skin problem like acne n dark spot .....I choose this liquid one more than the paste one
but I heard that the other one also had vitamin in it like vit a,c n e so pretty tempting T.T
like their foundation all of time balm concealer had 3 color starting from dark-light .....visit their web site to c their color

 ok now lets review this product
the time balm white tea tree oil by the balm
this concealer work so nice n smooth on ur skin does conceal dark spot n conceal ur tired eyes =.= ....this concealer had medium- full coverage so im pretty happy about it
the one that I had is in light ..this concealer isn't heavy at all they feel really light/fair like u didn't use any make up at all ...n this concealer really long lasting u just need a little bit of this concealer n this liquid concealer going to stay in ur face for so many hours

                                 I put a brown eyeliner to c how this liquid concealer can cover
                                                   I dint put anything except the concealer
n I know this product is a bit pricey but I thing its worth it cz the quality of this product is sooo good so I don't mind ....but one thing that I don't like about this product ....THE SMELL OMG they had kind of weird smell tea .....its hard to tell u by write it ....u need to smell it on ur own

overall +
~ good/cute  packaging
~ conceal ur dark spot n tired eyes
~ awesome staying power ....*long lasting*
~ they had white tea so it help ur acne n dark spot to heal
~ not heavy at all
~ water proof to ,it doesn't fate away when I put water on it

overall -
~ weird smell that I don't like ,like their time balm foundation =.=
~ abit pricey but it worth it

the time balm foundation

hey all ....
ok this year im going turn in to a thebalm fanatic
n this time  I want to review the balm foundation called the time balm foundation
my color is in medium-light,  a perfect match for warm undertone like me .....bcz the *light* is a bit cooler undertone ...
the time balm foundation had 8 color from light-after dark ...u can visit if u want to c the color


ok my first impression for this foundation packaging look so vintage n old hahaha
well I love vintage ,but the plastic container that keep the foundation in it look ordinary ...I mean it look a bit cheap ....n they come with a white sponge but I didn't use the free sponge I don't like it ....




but I do love their ingredient I mean ....the foundation texture is a bit thick n a bit creamy ...its a bit tricky to blend this formula, u need to use sponge or beauty blender to blend this formula perfectly on ur skin n u need to use a silicone base primer ...I try shu eumura mousse primer n it doesn't look good -.-
the time balm foundation had medium-full coverage ,I agreed with the balm
statement ""u just need to built the foundation ....
             I put a liquid eyeliner so u can c how this foundation can cover this black liner
this foundation is really good for oily skin, well my face is a oily type of skin so im pretty happy about this product ,no complain<<n long lasting to I mean the staying power were so awesome <<<I heard that they put vitamin in it so the more vitamin in it the more I want to use it
 o yeah one thing that I forgot to mention ,this foundation had weird smell ....smells like 100% green tea not like green tea that in the market bcz they not 100% anymore .....or like Indonesian traditional medicine called jamu ....its hard to tell u T.T

overall +
-good coverage foundation
-this product had oil control in it so I recommender this foundation for oily skin type
-long lasting
-they had vitamin in it to maintain ur skin
-28$ website price
 Indonesia retail IDR 380.000
for me is a good deal for a good foundation like this

overall -
-cheap transparent packaging
-un useful  sponge ,the sponge quality is bad so i prefer to use another sponge than the free one
- weird smell like 100% green tea/jamu

that's all I think ......
c you in my next blog
n thank you for reading ^.^

Wednesday 26 February 2014

the balm review

today im going to make the balm cosmetic as my review topic
im going to reviw 5 item from the balm cosmetic product
~the time balm face primer


~the overshadow
~the sexy mama
~put a lid on it

~ the bahama mama

~first is the time balm face primer
I love this face primer cz when u put the liquid in ur face n blend it with ur finger u can feel ur face getting softer than before u use the product
n also close ur pore to so ur skin look soft like a velvet fabric ......
oo yeh the liquid color is transparent ....they also put vit to their time balm face primer
vit E,C n u can put this face primer everyday with out concern about ruin ur skin ,this primer isn't heavy at all it feel like u don't use any product at all so I really recomanded this product >>>
the packaging is standart type packaging, nothink special ...

~the over shadow
I like this top coat shadow thing from the balm ....the glitter really stand out in my eyes so this glitter top coat is good to .....but u need to use eyeshadow primer first before u use this top coat
nothing bad about this product the packaging >,<n the one that I had color is work is overatted

~put alid on it
this eyeshadow pirmer is good but to not good  cz my eyeshadow doesn't really long lasting ....I think its just a standart product so didn't really like it but its just ok
but I love the packaging adorable love it hehehe>>>>>n the color is beige - transparent

~the sexy mama
this sexy cover powder really had a sexy quality in it so I totally love this.....n this powder for oily skin bcz they had some kind of absorb oil thing I kinda forgot what the name is but what ever they put on this powder they really working on my oily skin so yeah for u guys who had oily skin u should try this
they only had 1 color for powder ....buut don't worry I think this powder is transparent ....I thing

~the bahama mama
okay the last is bahama mama ...this mama is really amazing totally .....okay this sun kiss bronzer is really make me look like I just got tend from beach .....the texture is so soft but not to fragile n easy to blend with ur brush I bet u guys going to love this product well I do love this bronzerhehehe  ....n this  bronzer is matte so if u need a matte bronzer u need to try this bahama mama
sorry for bad quality image
thanx for visiting my blog I hope u guys like it .....